Welcome to BBQ Pals Silicone Grill Gloves

Best Silicone Grill Gloves
Best Silicone Grill Gloves Photo by BBQ Pals

BBQ Pals proudly introduces a practical and affordable kitchen accessory.

This company’s founding policy revolves around a caring concern for the wellbeing of others. Supplying grill gloves that help protect cooks and chefs from burns when cooking is something these empathetic individuals thrive on.

It’s important to point out that although the kitchen is a place where favorite foods are prepared and cooked, and is basically the center of any functioning home, it can also be a potentially dangerous place.

Kitchens involve extreme heat, steam, gas, electricity, sharp knives and other pointed utensils. Without the correct hand protection from a pair of cooking gloves, the chances of suffering from burns is likely. Insulated oven grill gloves are specifically designed for the modern kitchen or barbeque. Using a food-grade silicone glove allows cooks to handle what would otherwise be impossible to touch.

In order to create a safe environment in the kitchen and around outdoor cooking, such as BBQs or camping, BBQ Pals offer the security of knowing that hands and fingers can be fully protected when their waterproof, heat resistant grill glove is used.

Knowing that your hands are in safe hands with BBQ Pals silicone grill gloves, you have the assurance that burns can be minimized or completely non-existent when cooking and preparing food.

BBQ Pals Silicone Grill Gloves 10 Safety Tips Around the Kitchen:

  1. Stay alert
  2. Be practical and responsible
  3. Keep a fire extinguisher handy and updated
  4. Keep a close eye on children when cooking or helping in the kitchen
  5. Avoid taking risks with hot or heavy loads
  6. Wear your BBQ Pals silicone grill gloves when working with hot pots, frying pans, baking trays etc.
  7. Never throw water on a oil, fat or electrical fire
  8. Keep smoke detectors maintained
  9. Avoid pan handles sticking outwards. It’s best to turn the pot so that the handle direction is sideways and not able to catch on your clothing or be bumped by someone walking by
  10. According to the US Fire Administration, hot tap water burns are the leading cause of household burns. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends turning down the temperature of your water heater to around 120 F (49 C)

Cooking should be fun and enjoyable. By using the right equipment and safety procedures, the risk of burns can be reduced.

Click on the following link to get your pair of silicone grill gloves, available exclusively on Amazon.com

Get your own pair of silicone rubber cooking gloves here!

Kitchen Gloves for Baking

Baking Gloves
Baking Gloves Photo by BBQ Pals

Baking at home can bring a lot of enjoyment and fun. Not only do you achieve a sense of accomplishment, but you are in full control of the ingredients. This is so important today as we become more and more aware of the health issues associated with unnatural and processed ingredients and chemical additives.

Because of the wealth of information now available to us, we are also more safety conscious. This is where the necessity of ensuring you have the right equipment in the kitchen comes to light. In order to prevent burns, baking and cooking gloves have drastically improved in quality, and BBQ Pals use an FDA food grade silicone that is able to withstand temperatures up to 425 F.

Being that we use extreme heat to bake and cook, it is vital to be attentive to the potential risks associated within the kitchen. Burns are all too common when moving too fast, or making hasty decisions. When you think about the heat generated by ovens and stove tops, it’s sobering to realize that we often take safety for granted, but the kitchen is the most dangerous room in the house.

Kitchen Gloves Prevent Burns in the Kitchen

The two most essential times to be paying attention are when placing foods into the oven, and especially when taking them out. Using your silicone baking gloves at these times rather than a dishtowel or cloth oven mitts is especially recommended.

One of the best safety tips to avoid hazards when handling hot pots and pans is by using silicone grill gloves. Because of the heat resistant qualities of silicone rubber gloves, it provides you with a high level of protection against scolding hot temperatures that would otherwise cause harm to your hands.

The extra raised surface provided by BBQ Pals grill gloves offers that non-slip grip you need to control the placement of the cooked food safely to a flat surface prior to preparing the hot food for serving out for your meal.

Enjoying the baking experience should be coupled with safety minded measures set in place. These precautions will limit the potential for burns and make your kitchen a safe environment. BBQ Pals endeavor to provide kitchen gloves that are an essential part of your kitchen accessories.